cabo san lucas, mexico.

pete and i jetted off to mexico for a week at the end of january.  we stayed in cabo san lucas at the pueblo bonito rosé resort. we had a lot of fun in the sunnnn. we'd hang by the beach all day and have endless coronas con limón y margaritas y chips y guac. too many of all those things, actually. but we enjoyed ourselves. 

here are a bunch of photos from our week.  all from my iphone 6. and some silly bonus photos from our crappy disposable waterproof camera.

many thanks to my parentals for coordinating our week at pueblo bonito via their timeshare :)

we were besties with all the servers. our favs: ricardo, davíd, javier, armando, jerry, y hector. thanks for tromping through the sand to deliver us so many delightful eats and drinks everyday, fellas :)

pete and i are HUGE fans of locals sandals. best drug store sandals in the world haha. you get them in hawaii, though. both times we've gone to hawaii together, we buy em all up! they are freakishly comfortable once you wear them in; we've walked miles and miles in these babies. i love em.

ooooooo our heart swan towels looked all romantiq when the sun came up. actually, i took a towel folding class by the pool one morning, haha. because, why not? i learned how to make elephants, swans, turtles, and a basket! 

vacation shirt pete, just doin what he do.

yayayayy for vacations in january, the monday of months.


and some really blurry underwater camera photos: 

(we bought the camera the day after we had gone snorkeling.....why?! i dont know. the day we snorkeled, it was with two big sea lions and the hugest school of fish i ever did see! i thought it was a bigass boulder, but it was a humongous school of fish. sea lions were swimming by us and swimming through the fish and playing around. it was so cute. then i swam through a patch of tiny jelly fish that i didn't even see at all, and my skin started burning all over.  i had a bunch of stings on my arm and leg that turned into rashes. nobody peed on me, if you were wondering. i just let it do its thing and it was fine the next day. we saw a bunch of pretty colored fishes, too, by the way!)

gracias for the sunshine & fun times, mexico! that gorgeous turquoise water was just what our souls needed in the depths of this grey seattle winter!  


